Information last updated at 2024-04-24 06:06pm

Note: this list only includes players who have registered via this website. On-site registrations may not be reflected on this list.

Registered At First Name - A Last Initial - A Last 3 of DCI - A First Name - B Last Initial - B Last 3 of DCI - B
2020/02/29, 11:57AM Andrew K 229 Brandon P 826
2020/02/29, 11:17AM Matthew C 791 Anthony P 059
2020/02/29, 11:12AM Jonathan N 564 Tiffany C 820
2020/02/29, 10:42AM Jay M 178 Phil K 417
2020/02/29, 01:17AM Griffin P 548 Benjamin J 648
2020/02/29, 12:14AM Michael C 333 Dan L 273
2020/02/28, 10:19PM Milo S 555 Gabe K 849
2020/02/21, 10:05PM Tzu-Mainn C 968 Miley C 233
2020/02/07, 03:33PM Aaron M 113 Adam S 113
2020/02/05, 05:31PM Rafi N 028 Lauren B 254