Information last updated at 2024-04-25 03:21pm

Note: this list only includes players who have registered via this website. On-site registrations may not be reflected on this list.

Registered At First Name Last Initial Last 3 of DCI
2020/02/29, 02:24PM Cody C 389
2020/02/29, 02:13PM Sheldon T 458
2020/02/29, 02:09PM Thomas R 881
2020/02/29, 02:04PM Tyler P 203
2020/02/29, 02:00PM Joe F 266
2020/02/29, 01:37PM Luke X 705
2020/02/29, 11:52AM Daniel G 190
2020/02/29, 11:02AM Gabriel N 932
2020/02/29, 08:23AM ADAM L 767
2020/02/26, 10:21PM Matthew B 347