Information last updated at 2024-04-24 10:47am

Note: this list only includes players who have registered via this website. On-site registrations may not be reflected on this list.

Registered At First Name - A Last Initial - A Last 3 of DCI - A First Name - B Last Initial - B Last 3 of DCI - B
2020/03/01, 01:30PM Jordan T 677 Jordan Trundy C 381
2020/03/01, 12:20PM Evan B 316 Tyler G 506
2020/02/29, 05:14PM Michael T A 573 David L 100
2020/02/28, 12:29PM Robert F 445 Tim F 867
2020/02/27, 08:00PM Ben M 469 Ryan J 551
2020/02/10, 10:00AM Alexander S 604 Russell S 926