Information last updated at 2024-04-23 05:25am

Note: this list only includes players who have registered via this website. On-site registrations may not be reflected on this list.

Registered At First Name Last Initial Last 3 of DCI
2020/02/27, 06:08AM Salvatore D 038
2020/02/26, 11:07PM Terry R 196
2020/02/26, 08:23PM Kizzy S 432
2020/02/26, 05:26PM Denton B 440
2020/02/25, 11:25PM Philip K 417
2020/02/24, 11:30PM owie e 107
2020/02/23, 08:49PM Patrick P 705
2020/02/22, 12:15AM Kenneth O 752
2020/02/21, 09:44PM Michael K 260
2020/02/19, 05:40PM Marcus D 801
2020/02/18, 10:46PM Theodore M 477
2020/02/18, 09:54PM Chris C 026
2020/02/18, 09:15PM Cory H 857
2020/02/18, 05:22PM Zach M 843
2020/02/18, 01:29PM ELIJAH G 954
2020/02/18, 08:55AM Alexei d 559