Two-Headed Giant Super Sealed is a Two-Headed Giant Sealed tournament with an entry fee of $120.00 and is scheduled to begin on Saturday @ 06:15pm

Registration online closes on Saturday @ 06:05pm


All PAX Unplugged events require a PAX Unplugged badge to participate

Registration fee is for the whole team, individual price is $60 per player

If you and your partner want to use Scheduled Event Vouchers to enter this event, please email or visit the Magic Registration Desk with your name, DCI#, and the event you want to enter as well as your partner's information.

If you and your partner want to use separate payment methods to enter this event, please email or visit the Magic Registration Desk.

For New & Experienced Players

Teams of 2 receive 36 boosters - 6 of each set in Standard and 6 of Battlebond, build 2 decks, and then battle!

Sealed Event - No supplies/cards needed to participate

Swiss - 3 Rounds

Build time increased to 1 & 1/2 hours!


All Magic participants receive a Convention Promo

9 Match Points – 20 Prize Tickets

7-8 Match Points – 15 Prize Tickets

6 Match Points – 10 Prize Tickets

4-5 Match Points – 6 Prize Tickets

3 Match Points – 1 Prize Tickets

3 Match Points for a win, 1 Match Point for a draw, and 0 Match Points for a loss

Prizes are per player

Don't have a Wizards Account? Get one now at

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(This field can remain blank if you do not remember your DCI number)